Safety Policy


This company is committed to a health and safety program that protects our staff, contractors, visitors, property and other workers who enter onto the work sites.


Employees at every level are responsible and accountable for the company’s health and safety performance. Active participation by everyone, every day, in every job is necessary for the safety excellence this company expects.

Management will set an example and provide leadership in the health and safety program. Management will set a health and safety policy and work procedures and provide proper equipment and training. Employees are responsible for following all company regulations and procedures, working with an awareness of health and safety and cooperating in working towards improved health and safety conditions at work. 


Employees, contractors and suppliers at every level must comply with requirements of the Alberta Occupational Health and Safety legislation and other appropriate legislation as it relates to our work processes as well as our own company regulations.


Our goal is a healthy, injury free and productive work place for all employees. By working together in all parts of this program, we can achieve this goal.

Let’s put health and safety to work for all of us!

Environmental Policy


CPT Services understands the need to protect the environment and strives to leave the smallest environmental footprint.


Our machines are engineered and designed to be environmentally friendly to avoid disrupting unnecessary soil and wild life.


CPT Services will encourage all workers to take a proactive role in protecting the environment by providing easy accessible access to recycling and ensuring all CPT Service vehicles and machines are routinely maintained and equipped with the necessary items to prevent a spill.

Drug & Alcohol Policy


CPT Services, as a responsible employer, is concerned with the well-being of its employees, the successful achievement of corporate goals and the need to maintain employee productivity.


The use of controlled or illegal substances, on or off duty, impairs the efficiency of employees, undermines Company confidence in them and makes it difficult for other employees who do not abuse alcohol or use illicit drugs to perform their jobs effectively. Substance abuse, on or off duty, can also pose a serious health and safety threat to other employees and members of the public.


CPT Services’ management believes that employers and employees must take an active role to address substance abuse in the workplace. CPT Services is therefore introducing a Drug Alcohol Policy and Work Rule, which will enable the Company to address the subject of alcohol and drugs in the work environment. This policy will apply to new hires effective April 19, 2012. Full implementation including all employees will become effective April 19, 2012 and will be incorporated into the terms and conditions of employment with CPT Services.